Friday, 15 October 2010

Call Me Simple

I quite often like to have a random funny picture as my desktop background as each time I open up my laptop I have a small chuckle to myself then get on with work (or at least attempt... facebook is a great distraction and would be great for another rant, but not now), which currently involves a dissertation. 8,000 - 10,000 words, still feels impossible yet so achievable.
Writing is a love of mine but I hadn't been completely aware of this till a couple of years ago (and perhaps this blog does not convey this gratification!). This love started around year 7 when I wrote an essay telling my own story of theseus and the minotaur. I remember spending so much time on this piece of homework making sure I made no error on the page and starting a fresh page if I messed up. I was so proud of my work and the 'grade A' I achieved. This love has remained with me and will hopefully continue to do so allowing me to produce a great piece of work that I'm again proud of.

Anyway, this is my current desktop background and thought it would be nice to share to allow the possibility of putting a smile upon another persons face :)

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